Why Choose us

Our company for gold, diamond, recycled aluminum and other mineral processing industry to provide flotation-specific heavy media. The main products are:Atomized ferrosilicon powder/Milled ferrosilicon powder/FeSi15,Size can be customized for production according to customer needs.

  • Production
    100,000 tons

    The main products are:Atomized ferrosilicon powder/Milled ferrosilicon powder/FeSi15,Size can be customized for production according to customer needs,Annual production capacity of over 100,000 tons.

  • Production
    60,000 tons

    The main products are: silicon powder, silicon iron powder, silicon iron grain, silicon powder, aluminum magnesium calcium, aluminum manganese iron, silicon manganese calcium, silicon niobium, silicon aluminum niobium, silicon calcium......

  • Production
    20 Years

    Twenty years of entrepreneurship, the letter is the first. Twenty years of achievement, thanks to you. Brave climbing the industry commanding heights of the new founder is willing to work with friends from all walks of life hand in hand, win-win development!


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